4 Ways to Update Your Home without a Major Renovation

update your home

Everyone wants a comfortable and functional home. When you buy one, you might be tempted to change some aspects so that it is a better fit for you and your tastes. Major home renovations can help you achieve this, but they are typically costly and take a long time. How can you update your home without a major renovation project?

Create an Open Space

Open floor plans have become very popular in recent years as they make the house feel like a single home instead of individual rooms. Creating such a space often requires knocking down a wall or two, but that is not what you want. Instead, remove bulky items in different spaces around the home to achieve this look without resorting to such measures, especially in the living room. Next, consider painting bulk furniture that you cannot remove with a warm colour that helps it blend better into the room so it does not stand out as much.

Let the Light In

Light can make a huge difference to how a home looks and feels. A poorly lit or dark room feels small and cramped, while a brightly lit one seems more open, airy, and welcoming. There are different ways to light a home depending on your preferences. For some people, strategically placed lights are the better option as they can buy them and have an electrician install them.

If your home and roof allow for it, pitched roof windows are another great way to increase the amount of light in a room or home without adding lights or new windows. Roof windows work best for areas like converted lofts and atop staircases where an extension has caused a blocked window.

For a loft, pitched roof roof lights that flow with the roof’s pitch work best. However, a pitch roof skylight can work well in multiple places around the home. Homeowners can choose from different types of pitched roof windows to find ones that best match their aesthetic.

Change the Doors

Changing the exterior door can significantly improve a home’s kerb appeal. Interior doors can also make the home look much better and are not a major project. You can buy doors of different designs or even go with fire doors to protect parts of the home and your loved ones.

A finished internal timber door looks great in most homes, but you can go with an unfinished door so you can paint or stain it to get the exact look you are going for. You can check out the massive selection of doors at the Online Door Store, where you can also purchase made-to-measure doors so that they are a perfect fit.

Update Handles and Knobs

Bathrooms and kitchens look dated if they still use old-fashioned handles and knobs. Changing both is an excellent way of upgrading your cabinetry without changing it altogether. Also, consider painting your cabinets to give it a fresh look that goes well with the new and more modern handles and knobs you get for them.

Making your home look better and more functional does not always require a major renovation. Sometimes the little things you do add up to make the home look much better while you save time and money.


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