Following a Life Change

Do you want to declutter and organise your home because of a divorce, bereavement or other life change?

Are you expecting a baby and you want to create an organised environment to help you feel calm in the midst of sleep disturbed nights?

Or perhaps your children have grown older or left home and you need to reorganise and update their space so it is fit for purpose again?

Does your space need to be decluttered and reorganised because you have recently started co-habiting or married?

Have you moved on from a relationship or divorced and you want your house to reflect that?

In all of the above situations, it is essential to declutter in order to move onwards. A Tidy Mind can kickstart this process for you. Please visit our locations page to find your local professional home organiser. Ask for a free assessment and we will discuss your individual needs.

*** We are wholeheartedly ‘neuro-affirming’, anti-racist & LGBTQIA+ friendly. We empower people from neurodiverse & otherwise diverse communities to thrive ***

Read our ‘no-judgement’ policy

We also offer other services to Professional Organising:

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