Decisions to make before you begin your house hunt

begin your house hunt

Are you thinking about buying your first home, or moving house? Do you feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start? It can be a very intimidating process but if you make the following decisions before you begin your search then you can save yourself both time and stress. Take a look at our tips to get organised, have a plan and begin your house hunt with confidence.


It is fair to say that budget may be the most restrictive factor when it comes to house hunting. Talking to a mortgage advisor will allow you to understand how much you are likely to be able to lend, and the size of deposit you will require.

This will also help you gauge the timescale at which you will be able to move as it will become clear whether you need to continue saving for a bigger deposit or whether the amount you currently have is enough. This decision influences all other decisions it’s logical to start with this first. Using these financial experts is always something we encourage when client use our budgeting and money management service.


For many, location can be a make or break factor when looking for a house. If this is the case for you then decide the area you want to live in beforehand. Be as realistic as you can with this and try not to be too restrictive.

It is worth taking a walk or a drive around areas that you are considering to see if there is anywhere nearby that you would also consider. Think about what is it that you’re looking for from a location; if it is close proximity to family, friends, or work then you will probably have specific areas in mind. If you are more concerned about local amenities, then you might be more flexible. Don’t forget to investigate transport links to various areas, as this may give you more options to choose from. Finally, use local networks on apps like Next Door and Facebook to connect with potential new communities.


Another very important factor when it comes to looking for a future home is size. The size of a property has a big impact on how you use your home, as well as longevity for living there. Firstly, decide how many bedrooms you would like, don’t forget to consider possible expansions to your family and how likely you are to have frequent guests. To help make your decision, try googling things such as 3 bedroom house for sale.

Take a look at the online listing and assess whether this looks like a good size fit for you. It can be tempting to try and buy the biggest house you can afford but take some time to consider whether that would really be beneficial to you considering the extra money and maintenance involved.

The layout can often have more of a positive effect on living space than just the square footage. And be realistic about your likes and dislikes. If you’re not interested in a garden, do you need a big outdoor space? If you live somewhere whether the weather is often cold and rainy, will you get use out of a balcony?


Finally, now you have made the logistical decisions, put some thought into what your non-negotiables are for a home. These differ for absolutely everyone and are entirely dependent on your wants and needs. It may be that you are only willing to buy a house with a south-facing garden or that you need a downstairs toilet. Whatever it is, be sure to define these before you begin searching.

Once you have made these decisions you will now be in a strong position to begin house-hunting, with the confidence that you know what you need and want. Best of luck with your search!

If you need decluttering, packing or unpacking support, do check out the A Tidy Mind home moving page


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