FAQ – Professional Organising

How can a professional declutterer and organiser help me?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions about a decluttering & organising service. No it isn’t simply about throwing things away! During the process there will almost certainly be items we identify that you will want to donate, recycle, sell or throw away. Almost all of us have too much “stuff” and the items that not longer serve a purpose in our lives can bury what is important. Discarding unwanted items is the first step but by no means the full story. Professional Organising is about discarding what you don’t need, discovering what you have, making it accessible and storing it smartly. It is about learning to cherish what you have. And about learning new habits to get your space in order once and for all.

This will be discussed in detail. Perhaps with the room or category that causes you the most discontentment. However, if you have multiple rooms to tackle, we will suggest the most efficient order in which to do so. It may make sense to look at what problem you need to solve in your life. For example, if you can’t sleep, we could make your bedroom into a sanctuary. If you are frequently getting anxious about losing documents, we’ll start with your paperwork and information systems. Or if you want to move home, we’ll work towards that goal step by step.

Every type. There really is no typical client as each is different. If you feel worried that your project seems to big, please rest assured that for no project is too big. Every member of the A Tidy Mind team is passionate about this and will simply want help. Likewise, because this service is offered by the hour, no job is too small. Life changing, long lasting results can take place within several hours.

It’s preferable.  Everything should be done with your input and involvement. After I leave, you will need to use the systems we put in place so you need to buy into and understand them. In addition, you need to have the final say on whether or not something is discarded. However, I understand that this is not always what you want. If you wish to get on with something else, I can work on my own for several hours and you can return to make final decisions.

Of course. The more the merrier! However, keep in mind that some people may want to restrict the decisions you make. Plus, you are paying for my time and more people being present could slow us down. It makes sense that the decision makers are present but choose others with caution.

We can signpost you to a lot of scientific research on how your living or working environment impacts on your emotional health. Put simply, we want to empower you, make your life easier and more comfortable. We want you to be able to relax in your tidy space, reflecting on your day. We want you to be able to work without distractions in an environment you love. We’d like your belongings to bring you joy either because they are beautiful, useful or both. We aim to give you confidence and teach you new skills.

We are human beings not machines and if you do not use the systems we implement or if you do not dispose of items that no longer add value to your life, then things can start to slip. However, the difference is that you will have the skills to organise the space as you go along and you do not have to let things go downhill. Should they, you will be able to halt this in its tracks. Some clients like to book repeat sessions to keep them on track or when their requirements and circumstances change, such as moving house, the end of a relationship, having children, children leaving home, retirement etc.

For decluttering and organising, the price is more than cost of a cleaner and less than the cost of a Psychologist. This is because what we do is somewhere in between the two. It’s a pretty unique service. The idea is that you make permanent changes in your life. Clients report that decluttering and organising frees up so much time and is so satisfying, it is well worth the cost. Some clients find that they also sell items on and recoup some or all of the cost. For home staging and styling you will find A Tidy Mind’s prices are competitive compared the market rate for professional organising.

Yes. We are wholeheartedly ‘neuro-affirming’, anti-racist & LGBTQIA+ friendly. We empower people from neurodiverse & otherwise diverse communities to thrive ***

Read our ‘no-judgement’ policy

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