Masonry painting – how to do it properly?

Masonry painting

Painting the exterior of your house is a big decision. Each surface requires different tools and preparations, therefore, if your property is of masonry structure, you might get a little nervous while planning to cover it with a new coat of paint. What are the dos and don’ts? Here are the essential guidelines.

Hire experts and stick to the plan

The texture of bricks will probably make you think that there is nothing you can do to change its colour. Surprisingly, there are paints that are designed specifically for masonry, which is great news for homeowners. However, this is a specific surface that must be treated with the highest precision. If you live in the capital, your first step is to hire painting and decorating company in London to make sure everything will go according to the plan.

There are multiple activities that need to be done before the actual painting, and preparation is the one that is the most important.

Preparing masonry for painting

Those steps cannot be omitted, and each painting team is fully aware that preparation is one of the key element to consider. You can buy the most expensive paint designed for masonry, but if the surface has not been prepared properly, it does not even matter.

  • cleaning – remove cobwebs and dirt with a heavy brush to make sure the area is clean. If needed, you can use a pressure washer, but make sure you let the walls dry completely before moving forward,
  • damage repairs – do not even think that a thick layer of paint will cover cracks and holes. Repair any damaged area with exterior filler or mortar and repeat if necessary,
  • covering external elements – any decent and professional painting and decorating company in London will always cover doors, drainpipes and windowsills to protect the features from the paint,
  • applying primer – smooth base needs to be covered with a primer, as it significantly enhances adhesion of the paint. What is more, it also prolongs the life of a paint, so this step must not be omitted before painting.


Masonry paint – why it is important to choose one?

Masonry paint has been designed for some reason. It gives a protective coating to the walls. The surfaces are constantly exposed to changing weather conditions: wind, rain, sunlight, snow and temperature fluctuations, and masonry paint is a great protection against it. What is more, it makes the surface flawless and adds a curb appeal to your house. It is breathable and waterproof, it also comes in a wide range of colours.

How to keep your exterior walls well-maintained?

Hiring a painting and decorating company in London was surely a great idea, but after their work is done, it is up to you to maintain the effect. To provide longevity to your masonry paint, do regular inspections and check for any cracks, peeling or fading paint. Clean your exterior walls systematically and remove dirt and pollutants with mild detergent or water. Regular check-ups will prevent the surface condition from deteriorating.

You can have great results with minimal effort if you hire a certified painting company. Set an appointment and give your exterior a fresh look.

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