How To Create The Perfect Home Office

create the perfect home office

Whether you’re a freelancer who works from home or a traditional 9-to-5er looking for an upgrade, having a great office space is important. It’ll help keep you focused, inspire creativity and just make you feel good about where you spend all day. The key to create the perfect home office isn’t so much about what you put in it as how it’s designed. Here’s how to get started.

Think about your furniture

Once you’ve decided what type of workstation you want and how much space it will require, it’s time to start thinking about the furniture. The desk and chair can make or break a home office. So, choose wisely!

Choose a desk that is the right size for your space. The first thing to consider when choosing your desk is that it should fit in with the room’s decor and design. Consider whether you plan on displaying photos or framed certificates on top of your desk. As well as whether there is room in front of your computer monitor for papers and small items (like pens or sticky notes). A good rule of thumb for choosing a properly sized desk is that whatever length seems right will probably be too big

Do you need more space than that but still want something compact? Look into shelves instead. You also want it to be sturdy. If your desk isn’t cutting it, but you don’t want to get a new one you could look at replacing the table legs.

Choose an ergonomic chair that adjusts easily so you can sit comfortably while working on projects at home. If possible try out different models beforehand so they feel comfortable before making any purchases. If this isn’t possible then make sure their return policies are easy enough so returning if necessary won’t cause headaches later down the road.

Keep it clutter-free

Decluttering is a way of life rather than a one off event. Consider what might work for you. Perhaps a few minutes every day to asking yourself whether there’s anything to toss, recycle or donate. Or you may want to do a bigger declutter less frequently. Many people find piles of of paper build up on their desks. To avoid this, allocate a place for actions and a separate place for information you want o keep in your eyeline (such as a noticeboard). Also, make your filing system easy to use and accessible. Ensure you have a bin in the office so you can dispose of bits and pieces such as paper as you go. You may need a box to paper ‘to be shredded’. Or keep a shredder within easy reach under your desk. A Tidy Mind offer a full paperwork organising service if you are overwhelmed. You may also want to read our blog post on organising your paperwork.

Choose a door with windows

If you’re trying to make your home office feel even more spacious, look into adding a door with windows. Windows are great because they give the illusion of open space. If you can afford it, try getting two or three sets of windows on the outside of your doors. Or even just one large pane that spans the entire opening. This will make your home feel more open and airy while at the same time letting in natural light and giving you added visibility as well as privacy if needed!

If you’re looking for another way to improve how much light comes into your home office space, try installing skylights instead. They’ll let in all sorts of natural radiance. While also making the area feel larger than it is (which is especially helpful if there’s not much room). 

To create the perfect home office, it’s important to know what kind of furniture works well for your needs. As well as how you want your office space to look. By doing so, it will be easier for you to find the right pieces and create a comfortable place where you can get work done!

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