Keeping Your Kids Space Organized

kids space organized

It’s no secret that children can be messy and untidy when they’re playing. So, keeping a playroom or their bedrooms from becoming cluttered can be quite the challenge. No matter the size of your home or the number of toys your children have, messiness can still happen. It can be difficult to encourage kids to declutter, tidy or clean but there are simple ways to keep your kids space organized.

You’re probably already overwhelmed, and keeping up with the never-ending aftermath of children playing may feel like an unmanageable task. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help encourage children to see the importance of organizing and have a little fun while doing it.

Involve Kids From the Start

Even young children are eager to learn and participate in what you are doing, so involving them in organizing their space is very important from the beginning. Perhaps you find it a little boring organizing and tidying belongings that aren’t meaningful to you. But consider it from their point of view. After all, you are talking with them about their toys and games or other prized possessions!

Make it Fun

Kids love a good game, so turning their attention away from the fact that cleaning is a chore, and turning it into a game can really alter their perspective about being organized. Adding aspects like counting, racing, competition, and accomplishment can create a positive relationship around being organized.

Organize the Room by Activities

Having a room that is already organized in its setup is important. This may take some planning and rearranging. Start with cubbies and boxes for toys. Dedicating sections of the room for certain activities will limit the items being spread throughout the space. Creating a video game and electronic space will limit cluttering. If moving certain electronics is too difficult on your own, consult an electrician with a good reputation and reviews about options to create an organized section or alter the power points. You might like to check out our previous post on how to organize children’s toys for more tips.

Lead by Example

Children learn a lot of their behaviours from home, and you guessed it – from you. It’s hard to ask your children to be mindful of their messes if you keep your spaces throughout the home cluttered. Our founder, Kate actually wrote previous guest post you may find useful, about ways to teach your child to tidy. Make sure that you are keeping up your end before asking your children to keep up theirs. Family meetings can be a good way to agree boundaries so check out these tips on running a family meeting.



This content was kindly provided by Jenn Walker. She is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach goer operating out of Southern New Jersey

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