Why you shouldn’t overlook your roof…

A home is more than just a roof over your head but a great quality roof can really lift the exterior appearance of a property, making it look smart and elegant. But roofs are obviously crucial for other things, besides their aesthetic value. A quality roof helps to maintain the value of your property, keep out damp, and keep heat trapped inside.

Is your roof looking a little worse for wear? Here are some of the reasons you should renovate your roofing.

Reason #1: It Prevents Damage To Your Attic

Attic spaces are vital. Not only do they provide you with storage, allowing you to declutter your home, but they also act as a barrier between your upper floor and the elements. Leaky roofs let moisture in that can lead to the buildup of mould, which is not only bad for your health but could also lead to structural issues in the future. Choose building and roofing products that can help to restore your roof which can prevent mould infiltration that can lead to respiratory illness.

Reason #2: Keep Structural Integrity

Although you might not think it, roofs are an essential part of the structural integrity of your home. Without your roof, your home is much less able to withstand the beating that it takes during high winds. Over time, however, roofing elements, like ceiling joints, fascias, and framing can all weaken and become loose. When this happens, the supporting structure can lose so much strength that it is no longer able to support the weight of the roof above.

It’s vital, therefore, to maintain your roof before the supporting structure weakens. If you leave it until there are visible signs of weakening, then you may need to replace the entire roof at great expense.

Reason #3: To Keep Your Household Health

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One of the leading causes of so-called “sick building syndrome” is a leaky roof. Leaky roofs allow in moisture which, in turn, increases the chances that mould and mildew. Mould and mildew can have severe repercussions for the health of family members, including issues with allergies, asthma, and inflammation. People who live in buildings with this syndrome tend to suffer from all of these conditions, suggesting that a leaky roof might be the culprit.

Fixing a leaky roof is easy and cheap. Doing it now rather than later saves you from worse health problems and greater expense in the future.

Reason #4: To Prevent Electrical Issues

A leaky roof can lead to potentially life-threatening electric shocks. When water enters the home through the roof, it can get into the walls where electronic circuitry is housed, and create a short circuit. These short circuits could result in a fire.

Water can also find its way into electrical outlets and fuse boxes, increasing the risk of electrocution. You can often tell that you have a water problem in your walls if you start to notice them bulge or sag. Although you may think it’s a problem with the wall itself, if it’s wet, then it’s more likely an issue with the roof. Always get a professional to help you correct electrical problems.

Your roof may not be the first or most exciting consideration when thinking about your home but arguably it’s fundamental in sheltering and adding to the overall comfort of your home.

Thanks so much for reading!

A Tidy Mind

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