Your guide to sustainable landscaping

sustainable landscaping

Sustainability is becoming an ever-growing focus amongst businesses. Especially within industries like sustainable landscaping. And other which are looking for new and innovative ways to continue their missions whilst making efforts to restore our planet.

If you work in landscaping and agriculture, it means that you are working close to nature on a daily basis. Looking after our environment improves the chances of future business. Plus, it can also have a wider, and lasting impact on the planet.

By shifting your focus to becoming more sustainable in your work approaches, your business can become part of the much-needed changes that are required for the restoration of our ecosystem.

Reducing CO2 Emissions

Although gardening and agriculture have the reputation of wearing the green badge, many activities in this field still emit harmful quantities of CO2.

Where possible, try to use hand-held, non-electric tools for smaller jobs. This can reduce the amount of electricity used. For larger tasks that require more powerful tools, opt for battery-operated power tools such as cordless hedge trimmers.

Be aware of the number of non-renewable resources that you buy and use. Garden tool retailers often will sell lower-quality tools that emit greenhouse gases through their manufacturing processes. This can be for the sole purpose of making a profit. Ensure to invest in sturdy, long-lasting tools to avoid waste and financially overspending in the long run.


These days we have an abundance of choice. You can now choose from a range of decking, driveway, fencing and gating materials and new ones keep going on the market. However, all this choice can seem overwhelming to the client. What if the choices have already been curated and carefully selected based on one option for different tastes? It can support sustainable landscaping and promote simpler, intentional living.


Making your own compost is a great way of reducing the amount of waste. Much of which typically is either sent to a landfill or incinerated. In turn, this produces substantial quantities of greenhouse gas. Having your own supply of compost is often a much stronger alternative for your soil. And can leave your plants and flowers with a healthier, more vibrant appearance. Moreover, homemade compost heaps are excellent for attracting and sustaining wildlife such as bumblebees and hedgehogs.

What’s more, compost heaps are straightforward to make; All that is required is a half and half combination of materials rich in carbon and nitrogen. Such materials can be sourced from vegetation waste and woody substances such as cardboard, paper, or wood.

Sourcing Materials

The landscaper will utilise a plethora of materials to carry out the job at hand. Sustainability can be found through the recycling of old materials such as timbers and plastics for decking and concrete and tiles for footpaths and driveways.

It is also worth considering the longevity of your materials, to ensure less maintenance and limit the need for frequent replacement.

Pest Control

No gardener can go without their pesticides, however many of the chemicals used in common pest control solutions are detrimental to both our own health and the environment. Moreover, such chemicals are known to be harmful to the wildlife that is good for your gardens such as bees, butterflies, and birds.

Try opting for less harmful insecticides that contain friendlier chemicals such as boric acid for ants and cockroaches and bacillus thuringiensis for beetles and caterpillars.

In some instances, you can use entirely natural alternatives in pursuit of protecting and even improving the health of your soil. Such alternatives include tomato leaf sprays, eucalyptus oil and garlic water sprays.


Step up your gardening profession by not only creating beautiful landscapes but also protecting the earth and its environment. Do you have any other green tips? Let us know in the comments below!

Interested in tips on improving your own garden? Check out:

How to create a wildlife sanctuary in your back garden

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How to Install a Rock Pool in Your Back Garden



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