Tips on making moving as tidy and organised as possible

making moving as easy as possible

If you’ve ever had experience with moving, there is a likely chance that this was an extremely chaotic process. Of course, this is different on a person to person basis. Nevertheless, it is a challenge to have a move to a new home be tidy. Hopefully this will be a lot easier after reading our advice in this blog.

Make use of a moving company

The first tip we’d like to give you is to make use of a moving company. Why is a moving company better than arranging an entire move on your own, you may ask? This has to do with the experience that such companies have. Having arranged thousands of moves from both people and companies, a good moving company knows exactly what an optimal process looks like. The result is a streamlined day of moving that will make most people envious.

Purchase proper cleaning tools

It is also advisable to purchase proper cleaning equipment when your goal is to make moving as tidy and organised as possible. Nobody wants to leave their old home behind in a state where the new tenant or owner is questioning your personal hygiene. Make sure to leave a great impression by using these cleaning tools to get rid of any dust, dirt or marks that may have accumulated over the years. This also signifies a mental clean break from a chapter of your life.

Start early with packing

An early start is the third secret to preventing a move being extremely chaotic. The main reason behind this is that you have plenty of time to determine how you want to pack, what you want to pack, and what you do not want to pack in the first place. There will be no last minute packing this way, meaning that you will have close to zero stress on the day of moving.

Make a plan

It is also a great idea to make a plan for moving. Having a plan gives you a backbone for when you are not sure on how to proceed in the moving process. A solid plan should have elements taken care of such as how you are going to move your stuff, what time is the best to do this and how many times you need to drive to have all your belongings in your new home.

Consider colour codes

Finally, consider using colour codes during your move. These colour codes are to be put on the moving boxes. The best way to do this is by having a main colour for the box that signifies which room the box is for. A secondary colour is handy as well for determining the type of belongings without even opening the box. Colour codes are the perfect way to stay organised.

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