Well, for those of us who celebrate Christmas, it’s a month until it’s Eve (I’ve always though Christmas Eve the most magical day). Decluttering and organising for Christmas can add to the fun, we promise! To help you avoid clutter and get organised, I’m excited to share this blog by Caroline (A Tidy Mind – West & South Yorkshire)
Have you noticed that people are putting up their Christmas decorations early this year? I love it, all those sparkly lights are definitely a welcome mood booster.
It’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about decluttering and organising your home, ready for the influx of the additional things which appear at Christmas: cards, wrapping paper, presents, toys, Christmas trees, food, alcohol.
Be kind to yourself and get organised early, by doing little and often, so you can enjoy a calm and peaceful festive period.
I hope my tips below empower you into getting organised for the festive period
1. Getting your home ready for Christmas

- We might not be able to have all our family around for Christmas lunch this year but we still want to enjoy our homes: decluttered, organised and clean & tidy, if only for the zoom social events!
- Decluttering and organising for Christmas can be really useful. We’re not talking every room here, but you might want to focus your attention on a few key areas which will be well used over Christmas, such as kitchens and play rooms
- I’m not a fan of keeping things for best as much as I am of celebrating every day, however Christmas time may involve using Kitchen possessions which are stored at the back of a cupboard for the rest of the year. Get them out, give them a clean and wherever possible store them somewhere easily accessible for the big day
- If you would like more information and inspiration, take a look at my blog on decluttering and organising kitchens
- November is the perfect time to encourage your children to donate toys they no longer play with. Encourage the “One in One out” rule from an early age
- It’s worth remembering that if you feel overwhelmed by your children’s toys, your child will do as well. Many children have too many toys and only play with a small percentage of them. Once toys are visible and accessible, structured and imaginative play is far more likely. A simple Christmas can leave more room for joy and calm.
- If family members are struggling for gift ideas for a child, why not suggest opening a savings or Henry account
- If you feel like your playroom or toy storage area just keeps growing like the magic porridge pot, you might want to check out my blog on decluttering toys
2. Presents
- I’m the queen of lists. I find getting things out of my head and onto paper helps me to feel in control, plus who doesn’t love ticking off their “to-do” list. A list of the presents I need to buy helps me to feel calm and organised
- If your list of gift purchases is overwhelming be honest with your loved ones, they’re probably feeling the same. Maybe the adults in your family and / or friendship groups would consider a secret Santa? This reduces costs but also allows you to “Buy less but better”, resulting in less clutter!
- Try to avoid buying gifts just for the sake of buying “something”. Really think about what that person will use or better still focus on an experience they would enjoy or a joint local experience you could do together
- You might have already bought some presents earlier in the year which is great, just don’t forget about them. I often find gifts hidden away at the back of cupboards whilst working with clients
- If you buy presents throughout the year and wrap as you buy, keep a list of what you’ve bought and the value as it’s easy to forget
- Consider if family or friends might need help on what to buy for you or your children, this will help to avoid duplication, the dreaded returns or procrastinating about what to do with a gift you don’t really like
3. Wrapping paper & Christmas cards
- What have you got left from last year? Don’t opt for the 3 for 2 before checking
- Brown paper with ribbon makes a stylish alternative to wrapping paper and can be recycled!
- Use up any old, substandard wrapping paper or cards this year by making gift tags or cutting them into snowflakes. Aim not to keep things you know you won’t use.
4. Food & Drinks
- In my opinion, the best bit!
- I love getting out all my recipes, some written by loved ones no longer with us
- Decide on your: Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas day starter, main course & desert and write a shopping list. If you haven’t booked an on-line delivery by this stage you might have missed the boat but this is a task which can be delegated
- Look through your drinks’ cabinet, can you make a Christmas cocktail out of the half full bottles?
- It’s a good idea to eat from your freezer during November and December, this will reduce shopping costs and make space available for your Christmas delivery
Enjoy your loved ones, raise a glass to those you’re missing and celebrate the small things which mean the most!
If decluttering and organising for Christmas leaves you feeling overwhelmed by or struggling, I can help! I offer an empathetic approach & will work with you at your pace to ensure your home becomes an organised space for relaxation with a tidy mind. Why not get in touch for a free 30 minute consultation, I’d love to hear from you.