Tag Archives: professional organiser
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September 8, 2020How To Organise Your Life

When it comes to explaining how to organise your life (& keep it that way) there are few more knowledgeable than Craig (A Tidy Mind – London) We’re excited to share his most recent blog packed full of simple tips. It’s never too late to organise your life. And you’re never too old or ‘set […]

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December 9, 2019The worst time of the year for a Tidy Mind?

This time of year is most definitely the worst time of year for a tidy mind, and indeed a tidy life. It’s the time of year when everything is everywhere in both your home and your mind. And at this time of year, there’s nothing worse than feeling like you have a mind that’s truly […]

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July 1, 2019How Clutter Is Affecting My Health?

You may not have given much thought as to whether the stuff in your home could affect your physical and emotional well-being. However, there is a clear link. But happily there is a way through the mess and the stress to more calm and content. Our London Professional Organiser & Declutter Coach, Craig, shares this […]

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June 2, 2019Introducing London Professional Organiser Craig – A Tidy Mind (London)!

I’m delighted to bring you this guest blog from our Professional Organiser owner. Craig and his team cover all of London. He is one of the kindest, interesting and most talented people I have met in a long time. So glad you have you in the team, Craig! This blog post gives you some more […]

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December 11, 2018Q&A with a Professional Organiser!

So today I’m sharing answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about keeping home organised and ordered. Of course, this is just a taste – I could write a book of them! But if you have any niggling or burning questions, pop them in the comments and I’ll answer them for you. How […]

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May 31, 2018Going Green: the benefits of an eco-friendly home

Everywhere you turn these days, people are talking about ‘going green’, and you need only look at the news to find out why: the world is in peril, partly because of humans’ bad habits. Not all of us recycle. Harmful chemical products are still being used around the home. And not only is this damaging […]

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May 30, 2018Creating An Idyllic Clutter Free Space: My Tips And Tricks

Creating clutter free zones in your home can be one of the best ways to help keep your living spaces looking clean and tidy. But, we all have stuff that we need and our homes need to be lovable, ‘lived in’ whilst also looking great and being a space that we are proud of. But […]

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April 7, 2018Create Calm For Your Home

If I had to choose one phrase to sum up the goal for the homes I work in, it would be this: CREATE CALM. Life these days is busier than ever and it’s so important to find a sense of calm amidst the chaos. Your environment has a gigantic impact on your mood and well-being. We […]

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March 4, 2018How To START Your Fresh Start

Many of the clients with whom I work desire a ‘fresh start’ and decluttering their home is part of that process. The fresh start could be due to any number of reasons but common ones are: Getting married or starting a new relationship Coming out of a relationship or through a divorce Moving to a […]

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November 5, 2017How Tiny Habits Can Organise Your Life

What does it mean to Be Organised? Many people resolve to be more organised but as a standalone goal, it is WAY too big. As a result, it isn’t achievable and when people inevitably fail, they assume they just aren’t (and will never be) ‘that kind of person’ In fact, being organised comprises of many small […]

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