Tag Archives: decluttering
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May 31, 2018Going Green: the benefits of an eco-friendly home

Everywhere you turn these days, people are talking about ‘going green’, and you need only look at the news to find out why: the world is in peril, partly because of humans’ bad habits. Not all of us recycle. Harmful chemical products are still being used around the home. And not only is this damaging […]

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April 7, 2018Create Calm For Your Home

If I had to choose one phrase to sum up the goal for the homes I work in, it would be this: CREATE CALM. Life these days is busier than ever and it’s so important to find a sense of calm amidst the chaos. Your environment has a gigantic impact on your mood and well-being. We […]

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November 12, 2017Swedish Death Cleaning: A guide to the latest decluttering trend

Don’t let the name scare you. Far from being a morbid or violent process, Swedish Death Cleaning is all about organising your life and your possessions more mindfully. If you’re looking to minimise meaningless clutter and instil a sense of calm and order in your home, then read on to find out more. What is […]

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October 9, 201710 Things To Chuck – today!

The decluttering process can be difficult, emotional and time consuming. Or it can be easy, laid back and quick! Here are 10 items to which you might be able to say a cheerful ‘cheerio’ – today! Old towels.  Many of us hold on to towels which are scratchy, threadbare or stained. Not to mention too […]

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September 19, 2017Sweet Surrender

When I look back now to the first week of August 2017, I can best describe myself as ‘permanently sitting on a roller-coaster, powered by sugar and caffeine’ I sigh as I look back, because I really do know better. I’d taken on too much client work (because I absolutely love my clients) for the time […]

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September 1, 2017How to mix toxic-free home cleaning solutions

I generally clean as I go during decluttering and organising sessions. A cleared space is a golden opportunity to give a surface a refresh and I simply couldn’t bear to put something back in a dusty cupboard. However, I don’t like strong chemicals. I’m convinced they are partially to blame for the rise of allergies […]

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May 1, 2017Make The Connection

According to Dr Brené Brown, human connection is defined as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued. My job is about so much more than filling bin bags and perusing the IKEA catalogue. As much as I love that stuff, my true focus lies in making a real connection with my […]

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February 26, 2017Deep Clean The Clutter

This post was written for National Spring Cleaning Week (NSCW) 6-12th March 2017 but is relevant to any time of year when the fancy takes you to give your home a deep clean! APDO Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers joined forces with NSCW for the very first time in 2017 The connections are obvious since […]

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October 26, 2016Mind Over Clutter – How Decluttering Can Make You Happier

So, did you know that decluttering can make you happier? Let’s backtrack. What is decluttering? And why did I choose to start my business A Tidy Mind? Why do I feel so enthusiastically and completely sure that the process can help people be happier. And why does it have this effect? Ultimately, I am convinced […]

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October 26, 2016Instant Gratification Nation

A number of years ago, I had way, WAY too much stuff. I did not see myself as a frivolous person, but I see now that I was buying things that I didn’t need or even really want. I was a marketer’s dream! So easily sucked in by the promise that an item would improve […]

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